An Angel
to Watch
Over You
It is our pleasure to welcome Circinn Studio to the Argentium Family.
At Argentium, we are always looking out for new companies and artisans using our silver in interesting ways, or on new projects. We came across Circinn quite by chance on Instagram, and loved their Guardian Angel so much we asked them to tell us all about it and their business.
Circinn is the name of an ancient Pictish kingdom that spanned the east coast of Scotland. So, when Charlie and Becky founded their jewellery business there, they used that name to reflect the love of history, tradition and storytelling they wanted to weave into their designs and finished pieces. In their workshop they mix CAD and 3D printing with casting, benchwork and hand-setting of gems. Every part of the process is carried out in their workshop, so that their name isn't just their brand, it's where every piece was born.
About Circinn's use of Argentium...
"I saw online that people were complaining of their silver jewellery tarnishing due to the alcohol gels and soaps they were using to disinfect their hands," says Charlie. "After reading about the tarnish resistant nature of Argentium, I decided to experiment with it in our castings. The results were impressive right away; this metal doesn't oxidise during the casting process at all and comes out of the investment clean and white. Once it is polished, the shine is incredible. We've replaced our silver line entirely with Argentium, and couldn't be happier with the results."
"The idea for our Guardian Angel came about during the first lockdown. We have family and friends who are key workers and we wanted to make something for them that would show them someone was thinking of them, and also be something that they could keep as a physical talisman.
Once we had made a small batch, we decided to add them to our range - so other people could send them to their loved ones. The pendant, chain and findings are all made in Argentium, so we were able to send one to my sister - a nurse, who is allergic to traditional Sterling silver."